About Me

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  • I am a Ph.D student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of New Mexico, USA, since January 2019, when I was offered the UNM’s Excellence Graduate Fellowship. My Ph.D. advisor is Dr. Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou.
  • My Ph.D. research focuses on Machine Learning and specifically on Reinforcement Learning in complex environments that can be modeled as sequential decision-making problems. Specifically, I am modelling and researching Artificial Intelligent (AI) systems, which aim to understand and interact with their environment and provide personalized experience in a fully autonomous manner. To achieve that I utilize Reinforcement Learning which provides a mathematical formalism for learning-based control. So, all sequential decision-making problems can be formulated by RL agents (or in other words decision makers) who interact with a stochastic unknown environment. Based on that interaction and from the observed experiences, the RL agent performs actions, receives feedback from the environment (reward or penalty) and by trying to maximize a long-term cumulative reward, it finally learns to optimally determine its actions/decisions.
  • I am an incoming Software Engineer Intern, Ph.D. Systems & Infrastructure Research at Meta AI (Ex-Facebook AI)!
  • I am also a year-round Research Intern at Sandia National Laboratories, NM, USA since August 2020, where I am working on projects funded by the US Department of Energy. The department that I am collaborating with is called Renewable and Distributed Systems Integration and we are trying to design Cybersecurity standards for the US critical infrastructure by utilizing Machine Learning and Blockchain.
  • I received my Master of Science (MSc) Degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, NM, USA, in December 2020.
  • I received my Diploma(5-years studies) from the Departement of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in October 2018.